Village Association projects

While Dunmore Village Association’s main focus is organising events and raising funds to care for village green space, it has also worked on bigger projects for the benefit of the village.

Plants for Pollinators

The village was awarded a grant by Falkirk Council and Repollinate to improve the quality of our flower beds to make them more friendly to pollinating insects.

The beds were planted last year by the gardening club and, since then, they’ve kept on top of the weeds and the watering to give the immature perennials and shrubs room to grow.

Lillian’s Garden

In 2016, following 6 years of fundraising, planning and planting, the sensory garden was opened. The garden is on the site of an unused woodyard and, following plans to sell the area to developers, the DVA successfully purchased the land from Falkirk Council.

Instrumental in delivering the garden dream was Lillian Watson, long-time chair of DVA. When Lillian passed away the garden was renamed in her memory.

The village gardening club is working to maintain the garden. The DVA has been successful in securing past funding to complete some maintenance work.

Connected Dunmore

The Connected Dunmore project came about as a result of funding from Falkirk Community Trust’s Great Place project. MBLA Design Ltd carried out a study of the area’s key assets, the structural remains and surviving grounds of the historic Dunmore Estate.