We had a wonderful Tea on the Green! The weather cleared up (even if it was a bit windy) and we enjoyed great music, company and incredible home baking. Tea on the Green is a chance for neighbours and friends to come together, but it’s also a chance to raise money for the various villageContinue reading “A tea-rrific afternoon”
Tag Archives: tea on the green
Tea on the Green is nearly here!
We’re looking forward to a day of music, fabulous baking, games and great chat at Tea on the Green on Sunday 18th August. All welcome! If you live nearby, or enjoying visiting the village, you’ll be made very welcome. The event is free, but bring your change for the games and cake (we will haveContinue reading “Tea on the Green is nearly here!”
Tea on the Green
Join us on Sunday 20th August for cakes, games and great chat. Please bring your change – all games and cake sales will go towards the village maintenance fund.