Works to create an underground burn to direct floodwater from the village into the River Forth will begin at the end of September. Work is expected to conclude in early 2025. Read the full story on the Falkirk Council website
Category Archives: Uncategorized
A tea-rrific afternoon
We had a wonderful Tea on the Green! The weather cleared up (even if it was a bit windy) and we enjoyed great music, company and incredible home baking. Tea on the Green is a chance for neighbours and friends to come together, but it’s also a chance to raise money for the various villageContinue reading “A tea-rrific afternoon”
Tea on the Green is nearly here!
We’re looking forward to a day of music, fabulous baking, games and great chat at Tea on the Green on Sunday 18th August. All welcome! If you live nearby, or enjoying visiting the village, you’ll be made very welcome. The event is free, but bring your change for the games and cake (we will haveContinue reading “Tea on the Green is nearly here!”
Pollinator plaque
The village was awarded a grant by Falkirk Council and Repollinate to improve the quality of our flower beds to make them more friendly to pollinating insects. The beds were planted last year by the gardening club and, since then, they’ve kept on top of the weeds and the watering to give the immature perennialsContinue reading “Pollinator plaque”
Spades, Brushes, Action!
The Village action day on 18th May went well. On Saturday (and over the last few months) many villagers have been working hard to keep Dummore looking good. From weeding and clearing dead foliage, to painting benches, iron work and notice boards. Fantastic work, everyone!
Defibrilator Training
Our new defibrilator has been installed on the front of the bowling hut and we’ve been very fortunate that Martin from Forth Valley First Responders has been providing training to all interested villagers. The debrilator will be maintained and regularly check by the Responders.
2024 Dumore Diary
The committee are hoping to run more social events throughout the year and hope this will bring everyone together through the year. If any villagers have a suggestion for an event please let the committee know.
Lillian’s Garden tree felled
Following many months of the village association negotiating with Falkirk Council rotten sycamore tree has been removed by professional tree surgeons. A team of villagers have chopped the wood into smaller, more portable pieces and much of it will be left in the garden as a home for nature. A Rowan tree will be plantedContinue reading “Lillian’s Garden tree felled”
Village AGM – 28/3/24
The annual general meeting of Dunmore Village Association is on Thursday 28th March 2024 at 7pm in Dunmore Bowling Clubhouse. The AGM is an opportunity to catch up with neighbours and hear what’s been going on in the village. It’s also a great opportunity to hear the committees future plans and have your say. PleaseContinue reading “Village AGM – 28/3/24”
Cracking Christmas Carols
We enjoyed a wonderful Christmas carols event on Sunday 17th December, and received a special visit from a certain jolly gentleman who had presents for all the village children. We raised more than £230, which will go towards village maintance projects and to Strathcarron Hospice. Thank you! This event wouldn’t have been such a successContinue reading “Cracking Christmas Carols”
Dunmore sparkles once more
Following Falkirk Council’s decision to no longer support festive lights in Dunmore, the Village Association has replaced the exisiting failing lights. Hooray! It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
Christmas Carols on 17/12/23
Christmas Carols: Sun Dec 17, 4pm After having to cancel in 2022 due to the very cold weather, we’re looking forward to getting back together and singing in the season. We’ll be joined once again by the Clackmannanshire District Brass Band and will be collecting for charity. Come for the carols and stay for theContinue reading “Christmas Carols on 17/12/23”
A terrific afternoon on the Green
Tea on the Green was a great success. We enjoyed fabulous home baking, live music and good chat under the sun… and some of us got quite competitive over the games. Huge thanks to everyone who came along, baked and donated and to musician Iain Guthrie. We raised over £700 for the village maintenance fund!Continue reading “A terrific afternoon on the Green”
MSP surgery on village green Friday 11 Aug
We’ve just been alerted to the visit of MSP Michelle Thomson to the Village today, 2.15-3pm.
Small improvements
A mixture of elbow grease and persistence from Dunmore Village Association has resulted in some small improvements to village amenities. DVA’s Colin sanded and repainted the flaky bench at the well and villagers have been keeping the beds planted earlier this year weed free while the plants get established – it needs more work thanContinue reading “Small improvements”
Airth Highland Games
Airth Highland games are this Saturday, 21st July. More info and tickets from the Airth Games website.
Village hoedown
Help us to get some weeding done. Meet at Lillian’s garden at 7pm on Wednesday 19th July. Many hands=quick work!
Sam Scissorhands to the rescue!
We’re thrilled to welcome Sam Scissorhands garden maintenance to Dunmore. The Village Association has engaged Sam to cut the grass in village public spaces between Falkirk Council’s infrequent visits. Sam is also picking up cuttings, which means playing and sitting on the village green is a much more pleasant experience! Say hello! and cheer herContinue reading “Sam Scissorhands to the rescue!”
Focus group on coastal management
Residents have been invited to a study about green/nature-based solutions in coastal management. CoOpt is an interdisciplinary project exploring how to support the transition from hard “grey” defences to softer “green” solutions in coastal flood protection management. They also look at the acceptability of flood protection schemes in the UK. Airth is one of four caseContinue reading “Focus group on coastal management”
Proposed development at Hill of Airth
George Russell construction Ltd is trying again to get their initially rejected Hill of Airth development proposal passed. There is a consultation event on Monday 5th June, 2.30-6.30pm in Airth Community Hall, with all comments to be in by Monday 19th June. More info and consultation here: